Hebrews 13:5-6
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

Every Prayer and Share for the last couple of years, an Angel Donor comes in early to be the FIRST MATCHING FUND of the very first morning of our Fundraiser. Hebrews 13:5-6 is his life’s Scripture, and he donates $1,356.00. This Scripture may apply to our Angel, but it is life and truth for all of us.

We here at WCNO hope and pray you will enjoy these next 2 weeks of our time on air with you.. receiving your calls, sharing your testimonies, and praying for your needs through the Prayer Requests we receive from you.

Do you have a testimony you wish to share? Fill out the Prayer/Comments Form on our website in the Contact Link!

We look forward to hearing from you!


DAY 1 - Monday, October 7, 2024


Apostle Trevor Banks

Apostle Trevor Banks joined us today to pray over our First Morning of Prayer & Share!  

Pastor Trevor begins with Psalm 102:13 “You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come.

Pastor Trevor shared his experience from his recent trip to Rwanda, Africa. Many Christian churches are being closed down by the government, yet the Church is getting stronger! God is reviving His remnant Church. He saw a vision of an Eagle on the cleft of a rock in the storm. The Eagle flew into the storm. 

Pastor Trevor prayed for this Prayer & Share to be epic!                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Keith Masters - Sharing during Day 1_Prayer & Share

Keith Masters – A Street Witness joined us in the studio today at noontime to share the importance of VOTING in this upcoming eletion on November 5th. Specifically, to look carefully and  vote NO on Amendment 4.

Keith, speaking to us from a Biblical perspective gave Scriptures, God’s Word regarding children, the unborn, as well as those who have already been born!

Joining him later by phone, Ingrid began to explain the long-lasting, devistating effects upon the State of Florida sould this Constitutional Amendment pass. Yes, your children will be able to have an abortion without your concent or knowledge! 

Abortion will be legal up to birth, and our Tax Dollars will pay for this! 

What can we do? Tell Everyone you know to get out and vote Biblically – according to God’s Word on November 5th.

For more information


Alan Love

Alan Love joined us this afternoon for a brief time of sharing. Alan is now living in Las Vegas, Nevada…. but he is still a strong part of the WCNO family.

Even though he is miles from Palm City, FL, Alan continues to support WCNO. He listens on the APP and always  knows what is happening here. We will be welcoming Alan to join us several more times over the next few days of Prayer and Share. 

Tune in for Alan’s interesting facts and testimony. He is one remarkable guy!


DAY 2, (3, 4) - Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Pastor Gerard Khourie

Pastor Gerry Khourie shared from Proverbs 8 and the great Wisdom that is contained within the words of this Scripture, and what God’s Word offers us. When we apply God’s Wisdom, we experience God’s prosperity, health, and peace! Pastor Gerry states, “Its all in the the Bible!  The Wisdom of God tells you how to do this!  

Pastor Gerry also spoke of tithing to your church, but although this is good, the better blessings came when he learned to sow into ministries in addition to his tithe! He says “Sow, Sow, Sow and you shall Reap”                                                                                                                                                                       


We will remain closed Wednesday and Thursday. 

Prayer & Share will resume Fundraising on Friday, 7:00 AM. We pray for all you you to be safe in the storm!


Mark 4:39  And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

DAY 5 - Friday, October 11, 2024


This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Sue Chess Care Net, wearing a Walk for Life Shirt 2024

Sue Chess is the CEO of Care Net of the Treasure Coast. Sue began our day with words of wisdom and hope! Concerning the storms of life, We are in a time of Preparation. Remember, The Monster is not real!

Sue encouraged our listeners to Make a Statement! Make this the best Fundraiser we have ever had!

Because of the storms, the Care Net Walk for Life at the MidFlorida Event center was cancelled. But Satan never wins! Sue invited everyone out to visit the Port St Lucie Care Net. Bring your donations and receive your prizes! In addition, tour the Care Net facility and enjoy some free food, provided by Sprouts.

Chris Fogal_Natiional Day of Prayer 2024 Photo

In the midst of a busy morning we had our good friend Chris Fogal, Executive Director of Treasure Coast Christian Alliance called in with an update about the Worship-filled event that took place 2 weeks ago, in the midst of hurricane Helene = I WILL STAND WITH ISRAEL, featuring our guests Messianic Worshipper, Paul Wilbur and his team including his son Nathan Wilbur and Raleigh Washington. And Rabbi Jonathan Cahn! Yes, in the midst of the storm, God proved himself Awesome again with approximately 1,000 people in attendance.

Chris donated to WCNO, Jonathan Cahn’s “BOOK OF MYSTERIES”. We still have some available for a generous donation to WCNO! Call in and request your copy!

Jonathan Cahn will be our Guest Speaker again for National Day of Prayer on May 22, 2025.  

Now, to Business, Civic, and Ministry Leaders, Chris extends an invitation to our 9th Annual Christmas Proclamation Supper – December 1st! 

Sponsorships are available. For more information, call 772-324-9313

Kim Stryker is one of our WCNO Partners, and she has “A HEART FOR HOLLYWOOD”!

There is a growing number of exciting and diverse faith films in our theaters today. These Faith-based films inspire & encourage believers & provide an uplifting experience for our families, and also give us an opportunity for outreach! Some people who are hesitant to come to church, might accept an invitation to see a movie!

Kim joined us today to talk about some of these movies. Coming out this October, the movie “White Bird” is a story of transformation. “Average Joe” is a story of the battle for religious freedom fought by High School football coach Joe Kennedy. Bonhoeffer, a pastor determined to live his life with uncompromising political and spiritual courage, and coming in November, “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”… to name a few.

Kim Stryker & Gaige Collage

And a surprise guest today, Gaige (Kim’s Grandson) sparked the studio with his smile and his sweet spirit. It was awesome to see Gaige again and to watch him as he helped us to raise funds for WCNO!

Kim encourages you to visit www.faithfilmfan.com for a listing of faith-based films, which is updated regularly.

And if you have a heart for Hollywood, join Kim and others for prayer & film updates. For details, email Kim at stars4him@gmail.com

DAY 6- MONDAY - OCTOBER 14, 2024

Psalm 34:1-3 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!

Pastor Jim Sunderwirth shared with us today as we opened up for the second week of PRAYER & SHARE.

Jim Sunderwirth, Monday 10.14 P&S 2024

Moving here from Missouri around 1994-95, Jim has been an integral part of this area. Jim is a worshipper! He has recorded several albums, and has led many into the presence of the Lord.

Jim noted that he has been listening to WCNO for nearly 30 years, and as he put it, “It is NOT THE START OUT. It’s the STAY OUT! STAY WITH THE CALL! God does the results. 30 years, you guys have been faithful.”

Jim went on to say, when we (WCNO)  touch lives, those who support WCNO are part of that.

Sharing from Psalm 34:1-2, Jim spoke of how David was a worshipper. Comparing King Saul to David, Saul wanted God’s Privilege. David wanted God’s Presence. WCNO played 3 songs that Jim wrote and sang, the first being a beautiful song titled “In Your Presence”.

For anyone interested in Antique Cars, there will be an Event on November 8th to honor Veterans. Bring your car! Bring your Families! There will be a silent auction, food, and fun. The time is 5-7:30 pm. Morningside Church, 2180 SE Morningside Blvd. Port St Lucie.


Psalm 37:31

They have made God’s law their own, so they will never slip from his path.

Steve Camp New Album -Neighbors In An Age Of Rage

Steve Camp, Pastor, Songwriter, Singer… We started of the morning with the tornado story, how it went through Steve’s yard, 10 MPH to 100 MPH in just 10 seconds! Steve says “We saw the mighty Hand of God and His creative power spared our lives” as this tornado tore through his yard. He says, “We serve the God of all creation, and all Praise to Him!

When Steve and his wife Cindy moved to Fort Pierce, they started a House Church. He continued to say, there are many churches in China and other countries that meet in homes.  It is a joy to serve God’s people this way.

As Steve shared from Psalm 37, he said “The Word of God is in the very best place – in the heart. It is what keeps His children from sliding”.

Steve continued to say that WCNO is a gift in a world of uncertainty and lawlessness, we have a sure Word! An investment in WCNO is an investment in Eternity”.

Steve is releasing his new album Friday, October 18 “NEIGHBORS IN AN AGE OF RAGE” This album sites eternal truths in an age of troubles. Steve said his life has even been threatened for the song “All Lives Matter”

Steve emphasized that we need everyday people to take the Word of the Lord into the world. Our reason for living is the Gospel.

Steve and Cindy welcome you to join them for fellowship. Cross Church (home church) is located at 4919 Pine Tree Dr, Fort Pierce. The meet Sundays at 10:00 AM.

If you are interested in Steve’s music… www.realstevecamp.com

THE THREE AMIGOS flooded the studio around noon today with testimonies, stories, serious matters and lots of laughs.

The 3 Amigos-Masters, Nelson, Weir

Keith Masters – A Street Witness is well known here for his short but powerful 3 minutes of stories and testimonies about his life and the people he meets as he ministers on the streets. John Nelson – Families Recover is a ministry attending to the needs of those in addiction and to their families. Jim Weir – a former Bank Robber with a powerful testimony, and great friend of the ministry.

Penny Cooke is a Prayer Warrior and Author of books on Prayer! She currently has 3 books now, her first being Pursuing Prayer. Using the word PRAYER, each letter is an acronym describing “a different aspect of prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, as well as many other Scripture passages”. Penny is a talented writer with a heart for the Lord.

Not stopping with the ‘grown ups’, Penny has written “THE WAKE-UP PRAYER” book for young children. This is a delightful book for young children to learn how “gain peace and confidence that God is with us and helps us throughout the day and night”. Although this is for young children, it is a great message for all ages!

Penny Cooke Author- 10.15.24

Finally, Penny has written another book “Pursuing Prayer for America – 21 Battle Cries for our Nation”. Penny says “There is hope for America! But America’s healing will only come as a result of our persistent, fervent prayers. We the People must return to God’s ways; then He will bless America (Psalm 33:12).

You can hear Penny’s program running at various times throughout the week. And if you would like more information about Penny and her books, you can visit her website: https://pennycookeauthor.com/

Over 7 MILLION live in South Florida.

WCNO 89.9 FM reaches into 11 Florida counties and into the entire world through the internet!

Even Hurricane Milton cannot stop us from doing the Lord's Work! WCNO's Fall Prayer and Share is reaching out to you to. Will you reach out to us?

Going Forward

WCNO is experiencing a greater interest by our Local Pastors, Ministries, and Businesses. WCNO's can and will bring the unsaved to Christ with your help.