Revelation 12:3 (NKJV) And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn joined us again today to reveal the Biblical secrets of the end times in his new book, The Dragon’s Prophecy. He began to share that as the Lord had him writing this book, things were coming true! He never dreamed he would have so much spiritual warfare as he had putting this book together. Rabbi Jonathan also shared, that this book is #1 and has gained twice as much attention as his other books!
Jonathan began to unfold the mystery of this book throughout this interview. One of the stories iterated here was how Rabbi Jonathan was speaking to his Congregation in Wayne, NJ on Friday night, October 6, 2023 about the mysteries to unfold, a prophecy in Leviticus about a great attack on the nation and people of Israel. The very next day, Saturday, October 7, 2023 / on Shabbat, a High Holy Day Hamas terrorized Israel in that horrific attack upon the people. The Bible foretells of these events and even when, before they happen.
Rabbi Jonathan goes on to say, from the foundations of the world, a fallen angelic entity – Satan has been working to destroy God’s plans. But another entity, the Nation of Israel is here to bring forth the Word of God. The Jewish people are the most hated, vilified, warred against. The war never ends. He says, the first anti-Semitic is an angel. War is not natural, but supernatural, linked to The Dragon!
Jonathan said, “Say NO to the dragon and his purposes! Put on the Full Armor of God! Fight the dragon. You can only see the victory if you fight the fight”. Jonathan spoke for the entire hour, sharing with us many mysteries in his book. You can hear the interview in its entirety on our website: RABBI JONATHAN CAHN is visiting us IN PERSON on Thursday, September 26th at the Fenn Center in Fort Pierce. Here he will speak in depth and reveal prophecy and God’s Word to us at this time!
Our other guest is Psalmist Paul Wilbur. Paul and his team are joining us to lead us into Worship and Praise to our Lord. This is going to be a night you will not want to miss.
Tickets are available at for a donation of $20. For more information, visit the website or call 772-324-9313.
You can also get tickets by calling WCNO – 772-221-1100. Tickets are still available, but going very fast.


1 Thessalonians 2:4 (NLT) “For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts.”

It is not often that we don’t have special guests joining us for Wednesday Live. This was one of those times! Yet in fact, there was so much that we needed to talk about, the hour went by so very quickly.

FIRST AND FOREMOST: We want to remind everyone about the upcoming event on September 26th at the Fenn Center in Fort Pierce – I WILL STAND WITH ISRAEL. Joining us for this very special night of Worship and Revelation we have two amazing guests – Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Paul Wilbur. If you are listening to WCNO 89.9 FM you can’t help but hear the spots that are playing telling you the details of this God ordained gathering. Together on one stage – Paul Wilbur, a Messianic Psalmist and Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Rabbi, Author, and Biblical Revelator!

We will participate with Messianic Worship and Prayer and receive God’s Word through Jonathan Cahn regarding the current state of Israel and how it plays into the End Times!

Join us on September 26th at 6:00 PM for a most unforgettable evening at the Fenn Center in Fort Pierce. Tickets are available for a donation of $20 each. You can pick up tickets at WCNO in Palm City.

Just call WCNO AT 772-221-1100.  OR online at:

For more information, contact Sherry at 772-324-9313


Another important item on today’s program is AMENDMENT 4 coming up on the November 5th Ballot! Should this amendment pass, Abortion will be legal in Florida UP TO BIRTH and PARENTS DO NOT have to be notified of their minor daughter’s abortion! PLEASE! All Christians be aware of this most deceptive amendment and VOTE BIBLICALLY – VOTE NO!

For more information, go to:

Tell your family, your friends, your Pastor! This must be stopped. There will be no turning back.

Amendment 4 Poster #2 -full baby face down-vote no amendment 4-life is in you hands



 WCNO’s Fall Prayer & Share is coming up October 7th  – 18th ! This is the time of the year when WCNO reaches out to you, our listeners, for support to keep this GOOD NEWS STATION on the air, 27/7. By the time you read this, our letters are in your mailbox (or on the way). If you don’t receive your letter, just give WCNO a call – 772-221-1100 We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks to you, our faithful listeners and partners, we have met our last Spring Prayer & Share goal!


Jonathan read an email that was sent to us by the Joyce Meyer Ministries. They are planning to discontinue their Radio Programming – not from just WCNO, but from all radio stations! Please note, this is not something of our choosing. We know that so many of you love this program. We are hoping to find a way to keep Joyc Meyer on the air. Please pray with us.

If you missed any of this program, or other Wednesday Live programs, you can Listen – ON DEMAND in our Archives file. WCNO.COM – WAYS TO LISTEN – ON DEMAND LINK




What could be more exciting, more encouraging than to know we have VICTORY over Satan?


Genesis 12: 2-3 (CJB) “I will make of you a great nation, I will bless you, and I will make your name great; and you are to be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you; and by you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

Treasure Coast Christian Alliance is hosting Paul Wilbur and Jonathan Cahn on September 26th at 6:00 PM for I WILL STAND WITH ISRAEL. 

Jonathan asked Paul and Nathan some very important questions regarding the Nation of Israel and why we are gathering for this Worship and Prayer rally and why we see this age-old war raging in this tiny nation.

It is no secret that God calls people into service for His divine purposes. You may or may not know this man and his work for the Lord, but certainly you are about to learn of him now. PAUL WILBUR has been ministering to the Jews and the Gentiles for almost 50 years. Paul is a Messianic Psalmist & Worshipper! Although he has only written a handful of songs, he has played guitar and sung so many of our favorites all over the world. This Wednesday Live program introduced Paul and his older son Nathan to you.

Paul says, we are at war – a Spiritual war that has been going on Before the beginning of time was recorded. “It is a spiritual force that declares that Jerusalem will be satan’s throne. This is Jesus’s Throne!” Paul’s ministry is waging war with prayers and praise and equipping the saints. It is Good vs Evil.

Nathan answered the question: Is this the beginning of WW 3? … He says, you can see pieces of Ezkiel 38 & 39 waiting to come to fullness. We are at a crossroads. The Church of Messiah needs to stand for truth. This is a spiritual battle.

Paul iterated that this is a battle of the kingdom of darkness vs the Kingdom of God. We have a role to play in this battle. We need to shift our language and understanding of who we are as a nation. Israel wants a place to live in safety and peace. Satan wants to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Paul has a passion for Restoration. His grandfather served in the army during WW2, served 35 missions. Paul carries his dog tags on a chain to remind him. We are grateful to this Nation. We want to see people turn to the Lord. We want to see the whole household of fellowship come back together. Israel is in pain. As brothers and sisters in Israel, we are to carry this with them.

You will want to hear Paul’s God Story in full on WCNO’S ON DEMAND website link. Paul’s father, a Jewish man and his mother a Baptist. And as Paul put it, “Baptists always win out…” (you will love Paul’s sense of humor!). Paul had a personal encounter with the Lord in 1977, and all of the musical talent he had did not go to waste as God called him into this ministry of Worship. Paul is married to Luanne, has 2 married sons (Nathan & Joel), and 5 grandsons.

At this time, we want you to know that the devil DID NOT want you to hear this interview. There were Phone connection issues and Broadcast issues that tried to stop this interview, therefore:

We encourage you to listen to the entire program. 

Use can the link below:




I Stand With Israel Paul Wilbur & Jonathan Cahn

Genesis 12: 2-3 (NLT) “I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”

Each Wednesday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, WCNO brings you a great array of exciting guests. This week, our in-house guest was Rabbi Yaacov Zamstein – a Messianic Jewish Rabbi whose congregation is Kerem El, at the Lifeway Center, 2900 Jenkins Rd. in Fort Pierce.

Rabbi Zamstein volunteers at the Rock Rd. Jail. He goes to the Chapel to minister and teach on Monday evenings & Tuesday afternoons, and on Tuesday evenings at Okeechobee.

Rabbi Zamstein’s story is one of historical information (he is an historian) and teaching. Rabbi Zamstein begins by saying “Since WW2, Israel has not been allowed to win the war. The West will not allow them to win. If they did, that would be the end….” Israel has been dealing with the same people for 100+ years. This is more of an Islamic/Judaic-Christian war, not an Israeli/Arab war. This is not a land issue. It is a Religious war.

Here is part of his story, how he came to faith in Yeshua. He says it is difficult, because Jews hear that “Jesus in not for us.” Rabbi Zamstein was born in the Tel Aviv area of Israel. His parents were Holocaust survivors. His father was interned in a camp but escaped early on in the war. He joined a Resistance Group, fought the Nazi’s behind enemy lines for about 5 years before moving to Israel to fight for its independence. Rabbi Zamstein was born in 1952 while the country was very young. Israel was still considered to be a 3rd world country. His parents moved to the states in 1962. After the Holocaust, his parents lost their faith in God, and Rabbi Zamstein grew up in a non-religious family.

While in college, Rabbi Zamstein met a man, Conrad Cook who worked for Campus Crusade for Christ. But when Conrad started to talk about Jesus, he wasn’t interested at all… because he was Jewish. So, Conrad introduced him to a friend who is Jewish whose parents were also in the Holocaust. And he – John Fisher was a believer. John picked him up for Bible Studies every Friday evening.  Yaacov’s (Rabbi Zamstein) conversion wasn’t a Boom experience. What convinced him that Jesus is the Messiah were passages from the Bible – Genesis 3 where the serpent bites the woman’s heal, in the Book of Daniel… the Messiah had to come after the destruction of the Temple, and the Book of Isaiah, where he says the Messiah will die for our rebelliousness to God. He then started to attend a Messianic fellowship. Rabbi Zamstein says there are more than 200,000 Jewish believers and 20,000 in Israel.

Jonathan asked Rabbi Zamstein to speak on the month of Elul (which begins on Sept. 4). Elul is a time of preparation for people to seek God, to ask for forgiveness. It is also the time when one time out of the year, God becomes approachable. It is said “The King is in the field”. God is reachable and He is reaching out to you.

You can hear this interview and everything else that went on during Wednesday Live, including Ma & Pa by tuning into WCNO.COM and clicking on the Ways to Listen tab / ON DEMAND.

ANNOUNCEMENT! Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Paul Wilbur will be at the Fenn Center in Fort Pierce on September 26 at 6:00 PM. Tickets are available for a donation of $20 each. Tickets may be obtained by going to and clicking on the link to the page. OR you may call WCNO at 772-221-1100 to obtain tickets for this time of Worship, Praise, and a Word from the Lord from Jonathan Cahn. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will also be presenting his new book, The Dragon’s Prophecy.

Listen in to WCNO this coming Wednesday Live (the 4th) for an interview with Paul Wilbur, and on the 18th  Wednesday Live program for an interview with Jonathan Cahn.



Esther 4:14 (NLT) “If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

If you listen to Wednesday Live, read our Current Events page, or our Facebook posts you are familiar with Stephanie Jacobson. She is passionate about saving the Unborn from abortion, and to lead women to a place of not just reconciliation and forgiveness of abortion, but total healing!

Here are some excerpts from Stephanie’s time with us today.

We serve a mighty God. This is truly a Spiritual Battle! God has brought us here for such a time as this. God has brought us here for such a time as this- For if you keep silent at this time relief and deliverance will Rise for the pre-born and their mothers from another place.” But there is a warning: But you and your father’s house will perish, and who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this. If not now – when? If not you – who?

Stephanie fights very hard on this issue. She tells a short story about her own abortion and why she is so passionate. You can hear this on the WCNO ON DEMAND LINK.

This is the battle we are having now in Florida. Stephanie explains what AMENDMENT 4 is all about and why it is so dangerous and must be defeated!

Amendment 4 is a Ballot Initiative that is DANGEROUS & DECEPTIVE and will be up for a vote of the people of Florida on November 5th general election.

WHO WROTE AMENDMENT 4? This is sponsored by: Floridians Protecting Freedom – ACLU a, Soros-funded open society fund and Planned Parenthood. They have poured MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars into this state.


Floridians will be voting on November 5 on whether to wipe away all of the regulatory laws concerned people have fought for here in Florida,


  1. MAKE ABORTION LEGAL THROUGH PREGNANCY – ALL THE WAY TO BIRTH, and Florida would become a destination state for abortion up to birth.

If a termination of pregnancy is performed during viability, the physician performing the termination of pregnancy must exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the fetus that the physician would be required to exercise in order to preserve the life and health of a fetus intended to be born and not aborted. HOWEVER, if preserving the life and health of the fetus conflicts with preserving the life and health of the woman, the physician must consider preserving the woman’s life and health the overriding and superior concern.

  1. PARENTAL CONSENT FOR A MINOR WOULD BE GONE. A minor child could have an abortion with only a parent being notified through.

8 Battleground States have already codified or enshrined abortion up to birth in their Constitution. 2 States, Montana & Nebraska are pending. Only Arkansas has rejected this amendment so far.

Stephanie is urging us all to PRAY! Pray for the State, the Nation! Men & Women, pray for Godly values WE NEED JESUS!

Stephanie is asking all of us to educate ourselves on AMENDMENT 4. If passed, Florida’s Constitution WILL ENSHRINE ABORTION UP TO BIRTH AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE TURNED OVER BY LEGISLATORS, BY THE GOVERNOR, OR BY THE COURTS. Stephanie urges all of us to go tell everyone we know and Don’t Wait! Meet with people and tell them. Bring it to your Pastors and hold them accountable to tell their congregation! Bring it to your Small Groups! Everywhere you go, tell people about the seriousness of this ungodly amendment passing on election day. IT IS DECEPTIVE and DANGEROUS.

Stephanie is available to speak to your Small Group, Church, or Political Group. You can contact her: StephanieTC62@gmall.COM

Also, if you are struggling with a past abortion or if you are abortion minded, you can call for help.  866-721-7881

As always, this interview is available in its entirety on
WCNO.COM. Ways to Listen page / On Demand
Stephanie's States_Abortion Issue
Stephanie's States_Abortion Issue


Healing Encounter Nights - August 24, 2024INTERVIEW – TIM & CAMDEN POPADIC

Matthew 10:8 (NLT) Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!

HEALING ENCOUNTER NIGHTS invites you to experience an outstanding evening of Prayer, Worship and Healing! Tim Popadic and his son Camden shared with us all the details of this new and exciting Healing Encounter!

Come out and see what miracles God is wanting to do in your life!  This night will focus on The Blood of Jesus, and Communion will be served!

Camden is a 21-year old worship leader who says he is excited about the 

next move of God. We are going back to ‘old school’ reverence for Jesus. Making the main thing the main thing!. The Lord is doing something really cool, bringing back older songs and hymns to minister to the younger generation and to the older generation. When asked what kind of worship he does, Camden responded by saying “Prophetic Singing”.

This is the first of the monthly Healing Encounters that will be held at this location!

Come out and experience all God has for you!

Bowdown Church

2823 N Australian Blvd, West Palm Beach

More information on Healing Encounter Nights

As always, you can hear the entire interview by logging on to – Ways to Listen – On Demand link. 



Luke 11:33 (NIV) “No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.”

Robin Campbell of Fort Pierce First Nazarene Church joined us today to give us a brief overview of their annual Backpack distribution ministry. This is her report!

We had a great turn out for our Neighborhood Block Party: Pack the Backpacks event! We gave out 509 backpacks and had 207 families come along with 23 agencies, either there that day or donated funds or supplies to our cause. All of the agencies want to come back next year, too! 

Everyone enjoyed the hotdogs, chips and water/juice as well. 

We are planning on giving the rest of the backpacks to a couple of local schools and sending some to Haiti and possibly Guyana as well. 

Tomorrow- Thursday, 08.22.24, between 2:00 and 3:30 they will be having a Park It Market Food Bank. Also beginning in September on the 3rd Sunday of each month, they will resume their Drive-thru Food Bank.

To hear the entire interview, log on to – on demand link.  

Backpack Giveaway, Fort Pierce First Nazarene Church


INTERVIEW #2  “Better Together”

with Pamela Hayford

Acts 20:35 (NLT) “And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Everyone has heard of the phrase ‘better together’. But did you know there is an organization by that name that is working to keep children out of Foster Care and with their own families? Yes! It is called BETTER TOGETHER. Better Together was started in 2015 by Megan Rose, a woman with a passion to help families keep intact – and not have their children moved to foster care.

Our second guest on Wednesday Live was Pamela Hayford, Director of Communications at Better Together. Pamela stated that 85% of the kids in foster care are there because of neglect fueled by poverty, not abuse! This is preventable through the power of work.

Better Together is a Volunteer run organization that steps in to pair up the parents with qualified volunteers who can teach them how to budget, find work, resume building, help them find community resources, connect them with community and church, find sustainable housing, etc.

Jonathan asked Pamela, “How the family can be strengthened?” Pamela responded by saying, Host Families will often step in and care for the children short-term, for about 45 days. This allows the parents to connect with volunteers to be mentored. People need the skills and they are offered free of charge! They meet with their mentors weekly.

Jonathan then asked, “How can Pastors be involved?” Pamela stated, they can become Resource Volunteers. They and their church can help the Volunteers with resources, such as diapers, wipes, transportation, any resource needed – even Lasagna!

Pamela went on to say, since 2015 until now, over 10,000 kids have been helped. 98% of the families helped have kept their kids and stayed out of foster care.

Churches can get involved with Job Fairs. There have been over 45,000 jobs across 45 states. When the Church gets involved, people meet people who love Jesus!

Volunteer rolls: Host Family, Mentor, Job Coach, Resource

Pamela says, “The Volunteers are the heroes”. There is a full team ready to speak to the church, small groups, fellowships, pastors. A team member wants to meet you in person if possible!

Better Together can be reached on their 24/7 hotline: 239-470-2733 or on their website:

As always, you can hear the full interview on our website: – Ways to Listen

A Homeschool Co-Op of Grace Emmanuel Church


Watching Thru The Studio Window

Co_Op Kids in Studio Window. A Firm Foundation

time to record

Kids singing in the studio

kids & wcno staff

What a great time today at WCNO! I just love it when we have kids here. This was an exciting morning.
Ephesians 4:16 (NLT) He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Oh, what fun we had today! Joining us here in the studio at 11:00 AM were 9 children ages 3 to 12 and 6 adults – the parents and Homeschoolers of these children.
Joining us in the Studio today is Co-Op leader, Jennifer Osborn and several other homeschoolers and their kids. The Homeschool Co-Op is “A Firm Foundation” under Grace Emmanuel Church in Port St Lucie, which just began this past January!
Jennifer and her husband led a youth group in Michigan and decided to homeschool their children because they saw a huge conflict in the walks with the kids, whether or not they were truly serving the Lord or if there was confusion in what they believed. They wanted to give their daughter Addison a firm foundation, and homeschooling was the direction they felt the Lord wanted them to take. When she was ready to be schooled, the Lord just sent them the right people and gave them the direction they needed to go with it.
One of the benefits of homeschooling is, you fit schooling into life. There is no “one shoe size fits all”. It has been really interesting to see how God has led other homeschoolers with their unique skills and talents.
Jennifer says, the biggest obstacle homeschoolers have to face is thinking they have to mimic the school system. That is the biggest misconception out there.
Jennifer explains a Homeschool Co-Op as an opportunity to create community in the body of Christ. In their Church, Grace Emmanuel, they decided for those who wanted to homeschool to pursue this life together to encourage, strengthen and share what has and hasn’t worked… they joined arms to help and support one another.
Other people in this interview included Donna & Tim Beirnes (Jonathan’s Brother-in-law), Kristen Beck, 
and several of the children!
This interview lasted nearly the entire hour, with other Homeschooling parents and kids 
sharing valuable information and FUN STUFF!
Listen in to – WAYS TO LISTEN/ON DEMAND to hear the entire interview! You won’t be disappointed.


Interview # 1
Keith & Connor Masters,
Jack Quin

Interview # 2
John Nelson, Families Recover

Keith Masters, Connor Masters, Jack Quin, Baseball Blog
Keith & Connor Masters, Jonathan McClain, David Francoeur, WCNO STUDIO
John Nelson, Families Recover
Families recover logo

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”.

Interview #1 – Keith & Connor Masters, Jack Quin

Amidst the turmoil this world seems to focus on, WCNO is here to broadcast the GOOD NEWS! And there is much good news to speak of. Today we will focus on what the Lord does in people’s lives when we set our eyes and hearts upon Him!

WCNO listeners are very familiar with Keith Masters – A Street Witness. Today we were honored to have Keith, his 12-year-old son Connor, and a friend, Jack Quin.

Connor plays Little League Baseball – and he is quite good! Jack is going into his Freshman year of college with Baseball the driving force for his school selection.

Keith told several stories of their (Connor’s and his) experiences with the Little League World Series with teams from around the world, Connor’s recovery from an elbow injury and the journey back to full healing, and many adventures along the way.. Miami, Cooperstown & Mississippi. Keith even shared a really wonderful story of a homeless man needing a pair of sneakers! Never was there a moment that was not filled with God’s intervention. And Jack shared stories of his journey with Baseball.

BUT the biggest stories were the testimonies of how Jack and Connor met the Lord and the miracle healings they have both seen in their lives.

Their stories give hope to those who don’t think there is a God, or who have not yet committed their lives to our God.. Jonathan stated that in the schools, God is raising up Christian Witnesses!

As always, this is available for you to hear at your convenience on our website: WCNO / WAYS TO LISTEN.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.


John Nelson came on board with WCNO as a Partner 4 years ago, and he has, over the years shared many testimonies of lives that are saved. Drugs & alcohol have destroyed many people. Not just the one addicted, but entire families have been torn apart by the ravages of the devil.

John and Families Recover is in the Lifesaving business – bringing people to Jesus for hope and restoration. Families Recover has reached out to the broken, to those who have been given the title of hopeless.

John says, these days fentanyl is the #1 killer today among 23-45 year-olds. “WE NEED MORE GOD”

Families Recover reaches out where there is a need. John says “Call  me if you need help. I will find you help! I will take you there!. Don’t be afraid to call. You must make the call. 772-285-5828”.

Today we heard a testimony of the lady that came into the WCNO studio with him a few weeks back. Clean and sober for a full year now. Her children are restored to her, and Families Recover just gave her a car. This week she will receive her license back, and just in time for her and her kids as school begins.

John has ­God advice for you. He says “If you never had a first drink, Don’t Start! Drugs as well, Don’t Start. Change the people you hang around with and look where they are heading – If you haven’t, Don’t!” Change bad behavior with healthy behavior. Too much stuff going on in schools, TV, everywhere.. they are pushing it.

Need help? Make the Call! 772-285-5828

This entire interview is available on our website: WCNO / WAYS TO LISTEN.



Psalm 126:2

Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”  (ESV)

We often times hear that Laughter is the best medicine! It can fill our hearts with JOY! Our guests today came in to offer us just that.. an evening filled with LAUGHTER, to bring JOY to our hearts.

In the studio today, Barry Alsobrook, and Anthony Jankowski of Taken TV, and Maurice Brown, who is himself a Stand-Up Comedian came in to tell us about the upcoming “COMEDY IN THE KINGDOM TOUR”.

Maurice is hosting this event, featuring Felecia “Fefe” Frazier, and Casey Peruski.

Perhaps you don’t know these names, but you can know that you can bring the whole family – even the kids – and enjoy an evening of good, clean, Christian fun.

This Saturday, August 3rd, at 7:00 PM

Northside Worship Center

(name being changed to The Harbor)

3100 St. Lucie Blvd., Fort Pierce

For tickets or more information, text or call:


Tickets are available / $25 Early Bird Special (Promo Code: Early Bird)

$30 Ticket at the Door

To buy tickets online click the link below:

Comedy in the Kingdom | Buy Tickets | Ticketbud

 Maurice says, “We want to get the Word of God out through Comedy” “We will Glorify the Lord!

Anthony stated that the “Christian community does not rally behind anything. We are trying to change that. We can unite! Show the community we can unite.” Anthony also stated that “Joy is the best medicine”.

If you are unable to make it to see this comedy show in person, you can stream it for only $9.99 on Taken TV, Just click this link:

Matthew 25:34-40 (NIV)

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Our 2nd guest today in the WCNO studio was Robin Campbell, Director of Manna Ministries at Ft. Pierce First Nazarene Church to announce their 5th Annual Neighborhood Block Party “PACK THE BACKPACKS”.


amendment 4 Poster, Billboard_vote no
Sue Chess sitting at the mic on Wednesday Live, WCNO 89.9FM

Two weeks ago, Sue Chess from Care Net of the Treasure Coast along with her husband Pastor Sam Chess came to the WCNO Radio Station to join us for Wednesday Live to inform us of the upcoming Amendment 4 that is going to be on the November ballot. You can read the article in  below for July 10th.

A few days after they spoke of the truth of this amendment and the dangers it poses to the life of the unborn and to those ensnared by the ‘language’ of this amendment, WCNO received an email criticizing this program, and the “facts” that Sue gave during the broadcast.

This is such an important topic, we will not cut it short but give you the entirety of what was communicated. Please Read the email that was sent to WCNO and Sue’s Response to this lady’s email:


Leviticus 20:1-5 (NLT) The Lord said to Moses, “Give the people of Israel these instructions, which apply both to native Israelites and to the foreigners living in Israel. ‘If any of them offer their children as a sacrifice to Molech, they must be put to death. The people of the community must stone them to death. I myself will turn against them and cut them off from the community, because they have defiled my sanctuary and brought shame on my holy name by offering their children to Molech. And if the people of the community ignore those who offer their children to Molech and refuse to execute them, I myself will turn against them and their families and will cut them off from the community. This will happen to all who commit spiritual prostitution by worshiping Molech.’”

Amendment 4 Poster #3 -black baby face-vote no amendment 4-life is in you hands
Amendment Poster #1 - baby lying down-vote no amendment 4-life is in you hands

The Email Read:

Just listened to your radio program on 89.9. Wow. You have many medical incorrect answers. First, partial abortion is illegal in most states, nobody is aborting the day before birth- that’s propaganda and medical untrue. “Late” abortions are less than 1% of all abortions and are done due to non viable fetal anomalies or the life of mom. As a religious organization you are spreading fake propaganda. A woman should make that medical decision with her medically credentialed dr. Not your fake claims. FYI several women in TX have died from sepsis and several more have had serious medical issues due to not being provided an abortion. Non medically credentialed voters and ignorant radio hosts should not be involved in private medical decisions regarding women’s uteruses. Your claims are false and should be regulated and your show removed. Perhaps try to fix the church issues before sticking your noses in women’s uteruses. Absolutely disgusting on your part.

Sue Chess’s Response:

We can find anything on the internet. That doesn’t make it true. Not all facts are truth.

Let’s break it down:

Email said: “Partial Birth abortion is illegal in most states”

Response: As of June 2024, there are 15 states that allow abortion up to 26 weeks and there are 9+ D.C. that have no gestational limit.  Yes, usually the late term are 1 to 2%.  That sounds good until you calculate how many are 1% of say the 1 million abortions in 2023 nationally?  1% of 1 million is 10,000, right?

Abortion after 21-23 weeks is done by surgical instruments grasping and pulling fetal parts out through the opened cervix.  Piece by piece…In 2022 in New York, (according to the Lozier Institute) had 2% of the abortions were performed at 20 weeks gestation or later in the state of New York—and that’s with New York’s unreliable reporting. That ACTUAL number was 1,233 babies torn apart that we know of—is that too many? 

The much more humane and even safer (albeit heartbreaking) way to end the life of a child that is non-viable or threatening the health of the mother is to induce pre-term labor, or deliver the child by C-section.

 In fact, an abortion is less safe than a c-section if the mother’s life is imminently threatened.  Knowing that if the mother dies, the child won’t survive either.  In this case—at least you have saved the life of the mother.  My heart breaks for the parents who have to make this heartbreaking decision, but doctors serve them best with honesty and clarity. 

Email said: “Nobody is aborting the day before birth”

According to Guttmacher (PP’s own research institute) As of June 2024, 9 states (+D.C.) have no restrictions on the gestational age of doing abortion.  Are they doing abortions past viability—yes, they are.  Reports come out about this from time to time from medical staff.  I’ve also heard some amazing testimonies of people who have survived them.  Let me gently say this, we should be simple concerning evil but not naïve.

The Charlotte Lozier Institute interviewed 272 such people who had received a late term abortion and asked them why they chose it.  They concluded “Wider data from both the medical literature and late term abortion providers indicates that most late-term procedures are not performed for these reasons alone.  In fact, most of them are performed because of a delay in pregnancy diagnosing and for financial stressors, relationship problems, education concerns or parenting challenges.”  

My heart is for the mother and the child.  But truth with love is what she deserves.

Email said: “As a religious organization you are spreading fake propaganda.”

Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast is a Pregnancy Medical Clinic, licensed and certified under the oversight of our OB/GYN Medical Director and affiliated with NIFLA, Heartbeat, and Care Net National—all of which are guided by strict credentialing and truth in medical accuracy.  I am also a licensed Nurse.  I guess, it would have been helpful to share this credentialing last week.  Sorry about that.

Email said: “A woman should make that medical decision with her medically credentialed dr. Not your fake claims.”

The day in which our listener sent the email, we were discussing Amendment 4 which will be on our Voter’s Ballot on November 5.  The email statement that the decision should be made with her medically credential doctor shows a lack of understanding of our discussion of what  amendment 4 is.  It will change the state of Florida’s laws  to read “NO law shall prohibit abortion… determined by the patient’s healthcare provider (that does not say doctor!.”  We then read you a list from our state’s statues of exactly who is considered a healthcare provider.  Yes, it COULD be a doctor but it could also be anyone from a list of 55 categories which we read straight from the state statute including massage therapist, dental hygienist, etc. and others who are not doctors.

The VERY IMPORTANT and verifiably true point that we were making in our discussion last week is that Florida’s Amendment 4 will not say “medical doctor” it will say healthcare Provider and does not define exactly who that is.  Now, do you understand our point?   Please VOTE NO on 4 and tell others to as well.  Go to for more information.

Email said: “FYI several women in TX have died from sepsis and several more have had serious medical issues due to not being provided an abortion.”

It is true that there have been some serious problems of the roll out of heartbeat laws but each of the stories that have been highlighted in the news, the mother has had serious overlooked and unaddressed issues exacerbated by pregnancy.   

According to Dr. Skop, Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for Charlotte Lozier Institute, “some media sources have reported that laws leave physicians unable to treat women suffering miscarriages, but this should immediately be recognized as fearmongering, as the law in every state allows for treatment for the mother should her life be threatened.” 

The misinformation knows no limits it would seem!  Mistakes have been made but it has been due to not understanding the new laws.

Sue then takes the time to read Amendment 4. It is deceiving and encourages all Floridians to Vote NO on November 5th.

Sue emphatically states, “We care about the baby, but we care about the mother as well…”

Sue concludes by saying “I am so sorry it brings up such angst in so many people but we can’t avoid discussing it because its uncomfortable. We need to get to the bottom of it and we need to find truth”.

Jonathan thanks Sue for clarifying this today, because if there is one person that has this response, there might be 10,000 that are having this response today as well, so it’s pretty important!

You can hear this interview in its entirety by going to our WCNO website – Ways to Listen/On Demand or follow this link directly: Player (



Proverbs 15:22 (ESV) Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.

Dennis Parnell is an old schoolmate and friend of Jonathan’s. This was a great reconnection of that friendship.

Dennis shared his testimony. He was born in Fort Lauderdale and was raised in a home that did not know the Lord. His dad died when he was 3 years old. Dennis is the 7th of 8 boys.

As a youth, Dennis was entangled in drugs. He met a man named Chip Thompson with Evangelism Explosion. Chip said that God’s availability is my opportunity to do a miracle. He prayed with Dennis, and although Dennis didn’t accept the Lord that day, the door was opened.

One day Dennis was doing LSD, and was having a really bad trip. Dennis really thought he was in Hell! He called out to God. God answered, and he didn’t die. Then he ran into Chip again… Dennis says, “I didn’t find the Lord, the Lord arrested me”.

Dennis goes on to talk about his education: Hobe Sound Bible College, Bob Jones Medical School, and then Seminary where he received a Biblical Literature Degree (a teaching degree). After Seminary, he graduated with a Masters in Counseling and started working in Mental Health, moved on to Substance Abuse and then, his marriage fell apart, so Dennis went back to manual labor.

Dennis says, it takes an average of 5 years to heal from divorce. He went back into counseling in 2005 working as a therapist in the jail system.

Today, Dennis’ practice is Teletherapy, which took off really strong during covid. Dennis is licensed in 2 states – Florida and Indiana. His practice is working with Grief & Loss, Family Issues, Self-esteem, Co-dependency and more.

When Jonathan asked Dennis “How healthy is the Church” Dennis responded that it is not much different than the world. “We kill our wounded. It’s not safe.” Pastors especially don’t feel safe talking to others with their problems. Dennis referenced Christian Counselor & Author Larry Crabb by saying “We lost our sense of status. We feel the need to cover our nakedness with fig leaves”.

Dennis encourages us to be more open with each other. Pastors have needs, and need to trust, need to feel safe to open up. He says “Secrets grow in the darkness”. Pastors need accountability but be aware of the “well intentioned dragons in the church”.

He talks about a “5 Second Rule”. It only takes 5 seconds before going into self-protection mode. Reach Out! Find somebody who doesn’t condemn or condone, but who will treat.

Dennis can be reached through 2 websites:
Dennis has a great sense of humor. You can hear his interview in full by going to -Ways to listen
Dennis Parnell - Christian Counseling
Sue & Sam Chess holding Amendment 4 Poster #2 -full baby face down-vote no amendment 4-life is in you hands


Leviticus 20:2 (ESV) “Say to the people of Israel, Any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones.”

Psalm 139:13 (ESV) “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.”

Today’s Wednesday Live was a very hard topic –

FLORIDA AMENDMENT 4 coming up for VOTE to change our State Constitution on November 5th. It appears to be a topic that is just not very popular, nor is it well known in the Churches and among the Body of Christ!

Our Guests today, all 4 of them focused on the subject of this Amendment and the evil, deceptive ramifications it contains in its writing.

Introducing our first 2 Guests today, Sue and Pastor Sam Chess. Sue is the Chief Executive Officer at Care Net Pregnancy Center of the Treasure Coast, Sam is the Pastor of Grace Emmanuel Church in Port St. Lucie.

Sue began immediately with the word ‘CRITICAL’. Amendment 4 has only 26 words, and only a 23-word definition, not pages and pages as all other amendments have.

Sue begins to say, When this Amendment came up for vote in Ohio, 28% of the Evangelical Christians voted YES! The were duped! It wasn’t until after the amendment passed into the state’s Constitutional Law, they were horrified to find out that a baby can be aborted up to the day of birth! Seven states have passed this so far!

This amendment is worded to sound like it is limiting government, when in fact it is just the opposite. If Amendment 4 is voted in, it will become a Constitutional Amendment in Florida, and will supersede all of the laws put in place regarding abortion in Florida. It will cancel out every good law we have in place in in our state.

This amendment uses phrases and words such as: ‘No Law Shall Prohibit, ‘Viability’, and ‘Or’’, leaving giant loopholes to promote and encourage abortion. The phrase ‘Parental Notification’ replaces ‘Parental Consent’, and a ‘Healthcare Provider’ can be anyone from your physician to your massage therapist or tattoo artist! The wording has been deceptively kept vague to alter the true meaning, the way it appears.

Pastor Sam encourages us. There is a Pathway to Fight Back! Treasure Coast Christian Alliance has gotten behind this effort to bring awareness to a people! They are Printing Signs – with Babies on them. Currently in production now are 4’x8’ yard signs. More will be printed up that are smaller as well.

Pastor Sam is asking Straight Up – WOULD YOU CONSIDER PARTNERING ON THIS WITH US? We already have a team of people excited to put them up! These signs cost money, so your donations would help to pay for these signs so we can put them everywhere throughout the Treasure Coast. Pastor Sam is also connecting with Ed Daccarett to work out putting up a Billboard on US1. This is not just an Evangelical Church thing. Even the Catholic Church is involved!

You can log onto WCNO.COM. On the Florida Amendment 4 page, you will find a CLICK HERE link to the Treasure Coast Christian Alliance site that contains all of the information you need to look at the signs, donate toward the signs, and lit us know if you want a sign! There is also a link to the site that explains Amendment 4.

You can also login directly to  

As always, you can go to ONDEMAND and hear this interview for yourself in its entirety!

Stephanie Jacobson, Care Net of the Treasure Coast / H3Helpline
Allan Parker, The Justice Foundation, Operation Outcry



Leviticus 20:2 (ESV) “Say to the people of Israel, Any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones.”

Psalm 139:13 (ESV) “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”


Our Next 2 Guests today will also bring to light the tragedy of Abortion from the beginning of its inception to law in America.

Stephanie Jacobson, a Board Member of Care Net of the Treasure Coast and a member of Help3Helptline joins us in the Studio.

Atty. Allan Parker, President of the Justice Foundation, from Texas is on the phone. Allan can speak about this quite well, as he was the Lead Council for Norma McCorvey (the Roe in Roe v Wade) and for Sandra Cano (the Doe in Doe v Bolton). Allan also represents Operation Outcry, a ministry of The Justice Foundation.

Allan began to represent Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano in the year 2000 in their legal efforts to reverse the 2 cases that brought abortion on America as a supposed Federal Constitutional Right. In the year 2000. Allan says, “Sandra told him an incredible story of fraud and deception.” Her case created the ‘Health Exception’ which they put into the Florida law. Sandra never wanted an abortion! She fled to Oklahoma to be away from the Georgia law.

Allan began Operation Outcry to give a voice to post-abortive women. You can login to sign a declaration. His website is This website contains free valuable information, and link to

Allan formulated Operation Outcry to help mobilize women hurt by abortion to become witnesses who share their true stories through courts and legislatures of the devastating effects of abortion. This site also posts the testimonies of Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano.

In addition, Allan Parker wrote a book – Reversing Roe V. Wade. This book refutes the 2 lies that state 1) Its not a baby, 2) Its good for women. It is inexpensive, and all proceeds go to The Justice Foundation.

Stephanie wants you to know she is here for you! You can reach her by calling Care Net 772-828-3168. If you call the H3Helpline, she may even answer your call personally as she is active in this ministry to help post-abortive women – 866-721-7881

Surely you must hear this entire interview to gain the whole picture! Log onto and click on the Ways To Listen tab – OnDemand.


Leviticus 20:2 (ESV) “Say to the people of Israel, Any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones.”

Psalm 139:13 (ESV) “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”


Our Next 2 Guests today will also bring to light the tragedy of Abortion from the beginning of its inception to law in America.

Stephanie Jacobson, a Board Member of Care Net of the Treasure Coast and a member of Help3Helptline joins us in the Studio.

Atty. Allan Parker, President of the Justice Foundation, from Texas is on the phone. Allan can speak about this quite well, as he was the Lead Council for Norma McCorvey (the Roe in Roe v Wade) and for Sandra Cano (the Doe in Doe v Bolton). Allan also represents Operation Outcry, a ministry of The Justice Foundation.

Allan began to represent Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano in the year 2000 in their legal efforts to reverse the 2 cases that brought abortion on America as a supposed Federal Constitutional Right. In the year 2000. Allan says, “Sandra told him an incredible story of fraud and deception.” Her case created the ‘Health Exception’ which they put into the Florida law. Sandra never wanted an abortion! She fled to Oklahoma to be away from the Georgia law.

Allan began Operation Outcry to give a voice to post-abortive women. You can login to sign a declaration. His website is This website contains free valuable information, and link to

Allan formulated Operation Outcry to help mobilize women hurt by abortion to become witnesses who share their true stories through courts and legislatures of the devastating effects of abortion. This site also posts the testimonies of Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano.

In addition, Allan Parker wrote a book – Reversing Roe V. Wade. This book refutes the 2 lies that state 1) Its not a baby, 2) Its good for women. It is inexpensive, and all proceeds go to The Justice Foundation.

Stephanie wants you to know she is here for you! You can reach her by calling Care Net 772-828-3168. If you call the H3Helpline, she may even answer your call personally as she is active in this ministry to help post-abortive women – 866-721-7881

Surely you must hear this entire interview to gain the whole picture! Log onto and click on the Ways To Listen tab – OnDemand.



2 Timothy 2:1-2 (NLT) “Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.”

Jonathan Giandalone, after a falling away from the Lord, came back to God 17 years ago while at the beach! God touched him that day, and it was a natural response to just share with others. God called him as an Evangelist to the Mission Field that day.

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is an international organization that started ab out 75 years ago. The vision is to see Students and Faculty Transformed, Campuses Renewed, and World Changers Developed. Jonathan says, “It is very crucial to create a Christian Community and have a presence on campus so they will still be walking with God when they graduate”.

Jonathan states “Students are very vulnerable between the ages of 18 and 20. They want to figure out what life is about. Intervarsity is there to help students find that relationship with God.”

“Every student ‘s faith will be tested. We deal with Apologetics to help them, equip and encourage Bible reading and bring them back to God’s Word.”

Jonathan has a format to his ministry to teach student to be reconciled to Christ through Humility, Repentance and Belief. Jonathan uses an Inductive verse by verse Bible Study. There is a 7 week Discipleship training, and an optional call to leadership on the 7th week. Jonathan says that many students respond to this leadership call.

Jonathan Giandalone can be reached at 772-812-3201. He is eager to take your call and give you more information about the IRSC Intervarsity program. You may also visit the website: for more information on this organization.

As always, you can hear this and all past interviews and local programs on WCNO’S ON DEMAND LINK: Ways To Listen – WCNO 89.9 FM

Jonathan Giadalone, Intervarsity of IRSC
Diane Ludwig, Executive Director of Women's Refuge, Vero Beach



Luke 4:17-19 (ESV) “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Women’s Refuge in Vero Beach is a Residential program for Women who need to be Restored, Refreshed, and Renewed! Diane Ludwig Executive Director of Women’s Refuge joined us today to tell us about this wonderful ministry to women offering Hope & Healing, Biblical Counseling, and Training and Discipleship.

The program offers women the opportunity to stay a minimum of 2 weeks, and up to 9 months. There is an additional program that is 15 months – 2 years.

Women’s Refuge is a Second Step Program. A woman must be sober/drug free for at least 6 months before coming into the program.

In addition to the Live-In facility, they also offer Biblical Counseling and Support Groups dealing with issues such as Anger Management, Overcomers, Abuse, etc. This is available Monday thru Friday, 9 -5.

One of the goals of Women’s Refuge is to get more and more Churches and Organizations to know them and refer women to their program. Pastors and Pastor’s Wives often are burdened by the many challenges they have with the ladies in their churches that need help. These women can be referred to Women’s Refuge. In addition, pastor’s wives can come in for refreshing and restoration themselves in order to continue the work of the Lord!

Sometimes, women come back into the program for a season when other issues arise with which they need help and encouragement, helping them get through the cycles of life, get ahead, get past the trauma or barrier that needs to be dealt with.. getting to the core issue and receive healing.

Diane urges you if you need help, reach out and make the call today! You can have victory in your life. Call 772-770-4424.

The website is:  

As always, you can hear this and all past interviews and local programs on WCNO’S

ON DEMAND LINK: Ways To Listen – WCNO 89.9 FM

Nelson, Mcclain, Theresa, Sassie, Jamie
John Nelson, Theresa, Sassie, Jamie Testimonies

John Nelson – with Theresa, Sassie, Jamie

Matthew 10: 39-40 (NIV) Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.

WCNO plays a greater role in the lives of people than one could ever imagine. WCNO 89.9 FM is here to testify to this truth. Read on.

Our good friend, John Nelson – Families Recover joins us with 3 ladies who have testimonies of a renewed life in Christ. All 3 recovered from addiction and moving forward in life because they made the right choice.

Let’s begin with Theresa! Theresa was in Jail, and one of the ladies with her told her about WCNO and that she should listen.

About a year ago, Theresa was just out of jail and only had $14 in her pocket – no home, no job. She wanted to take the classes she needed to get recertified for her job. Yet she felt desperate and alone. Theresa made up her mind to commit Suicide! But she wanted to make it look like an accident so her kids would not know the truth. While seeking the method to kill herself, she was listening to WCNO. As we often do, John Nelson, founder of Families Recover was on the air with us that day. Theresa heard John say he was there to help. And as always, John gave out his phone number over the air… 772-285-5828. Theresa made the call, and John answered his phone.

John helped her through the process. He helped her get into Oxford House in Fort Pierce, where she is still living now. And with some funds from Families Recover ministry, paid for her certification, even called her old boss who said he would take her back – even said ‘they needed her there!”

A year later, Theresa is no longer addicted to the prescription drug Adderall, is now back in relationship with her children, and working at her old job. She now has her license, and the next step for her is a car.

Johnathan asked her, what would you say to someone who needs help? “Pray! There is hope. I am so thankful I made the phone call. Reach out! Make a decision to make a change”.

If you need help, DON’T HESITATE! CALL JOHN… 772-285-5828

Two more short testimonies followed – Sassie and Jamie. Stories of hope and a future.

You can hear these awesome testimonies in full. Just follow this link –  WCNO On Demand

Wednesday live
interview # 1 June 26

Philippians 3:20 (NLT) “But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for Him to return as our Savior.”


Steve and Cindy Camp joined us today in the Studio.  He is a friend of WCNO! You may remember, around Christmas time, Steve joined us in the Studio, where for the first time aired anywhere you heard his new Christmas Song entitled Immanuel. Going back all the way to the mid-80’s, Steve’s music was very popular! Even still today, Steve brings a message of what is real, and where we find our hope.

Steve shared with us that his wedding anniversary was last Wednesday, the 19th. He and Cindy have been married for 15 years. This is a great story. We encourage you to listen to it on WCNO’s ON DEMAND Link.

Talking about the Sovereignty of God, Steve says we need to be aware of the times. Bringing up the Debate tomorrow night, he says “Do we trust God in His Sovereignty? In His Sovereignty He primarily uses ‘unsaved’ people in the political realm to keep order in government and society. We want someone first and foremost dedicated to the Rule of Law. If they’re saved and also dedicated to the Scripture, that would be awesome!” Steve brings up an example, stating “Out of Babylon in Daniel, they had a Nebuchadnezzar, a ruthless leader. But also had a Cyrus who helped post-captivity Israel to rebuild.”

He says, people in the Church are not often familiar with the rule of law, the Constitution, and they should be! We are citizens of this world, but we are also Citizens of Heaven, siting the above Scripture, Philippians 3:20.

Steve is the Pastor of Cross Church. They recently moved from Palm City to the southern end of Fort Pierce. They sold the property here, and purchased a home by Midway Dr where they are enjoying Home Church. (Steve researched, and found that for the first 300 years of Church history, they were all house churches). In their new House Church there is intimacy & prayer time.

If you are interested to join them and see what Cross Church is all about, they meet on Sundays at 10:00 to 11:30 am. Fellowship follows directly afterward. This is for the whole family. They are located at 4919 Pinetree Dr. Fort Pierce. You can call them at:772-341-8271.

Steve shared his Newest Song with us SUNDAY USED TO BE. This song is a call to worship! A call to Sabbath Worship. Please listen and enjoy this new song. You can copy this link into your browser!


“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, 

for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 ESV)


Many of you are familiar with TPUSA (Charlie Kirk). Today WCNO introduces you to TPUSA FAITH!

Chip Moore, Senior Strategic Manager was our guest Live today in the WCNO Studio, bringing you news of a most important Conference – THE BELIEVERS’ SUMMIT coming to us at the Palm Beach Convention Center in West Palm Beach, July 26, 27, 28.

TPUSA FAITH is here to help Empower and Engage Christians. Our Founding Fathers gave us freedoms, and we need to do what we need to do NOW to fight for our freedoms, or we will lose them. ”People will end up dying and going to hell because we didn’t do what we needed to do in 2024.

THE BELIEVERS’ SUMMIT is a call for Unity and Biblical Truth, and to realize that we have unshakable faith, to counteract the woke narrative, these things that are being forced upon our children and upon us. That we are going to proclaim our faith boldly! This conference is to remind Christians that we are the loudest voice and we serve the Mightiest God, and the ONLY GOD!

This conference features some wonderful speakers, Charlie Kirk, Jentezen Franklin, Jack Hibbs, Pastor John Amanchukwu, other pastors as well as other political figures will come in to speak. Plus many more! The website to view the speakers is:

PASTORS, FREE VIP TICKETS are available to you, your spouse, and your administrative staff. Just CALL WCNO. We will connect  you to Chip for your free VIP passes.


THE BELIEVERS’ SUMMIT coming to us at the Palm Beach Convention Center in West Palm Beach, July 26, 27, 28. For more Information, or to REGISTER, go to


Yet there is so much more that Chip spoke of today! TPUSA, founded by Charlie Kirk has much to offer Pastors. There are many resources available and all for FREE! For Churches that want to start a Christian School, for groups that need resources to bring their faith to the public square, there are kits – no charge, with all the resources needed. Take time to go to the TPUSA website and find out ALL OF TH    E RESOURCES available to you.  

Also, the movie based on Eric Metaxas’s book – Letter To The American Church is free for your viewing through TPUSA FAITH!.

There is so much more information not in this article, you can listen the program in its entirety on and click on the ON DEMAND LINK.


Proverbs 22:6 (NLT) Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Two ‘IN STUDIO’ guests today bringing to you the Need for Kids to have a “HANDS ON” Dad in the home. Our first guest, Stewart Feketa shared his testimony of a life of drug and alcohol abuse. Our second guest, Shamus Gordon shared his ministry, FATHER CHILD CONNECTION,  a solution to families with absent dads.

Let’s start with the Solution!

Shamus knows just how important a Dad is in the family, and “how much effort the devil does to put them (dad’s) out” and how the devil “isolates fathers from family”. Shamus stated that in time of war and during slavery, men were separated from families. This was an attack of the enemy.

Shamus realized, although his father was there, he never heard his father tell him “I love you”. This is so very important for your child to hear and know. So Shamus created a new program that is 3-fold.

  1. Fathers Taking Care of Themselves, using the acronym SPIES – S-Spiritual, P-Physical, I-Intellectually, E-Emotionally, S-Socially.
  2. Recruiting DADTORS – mentors for children with no fathers
  3. MOM SENSE, a new program for single moms that think they don’t need a man in the home. This helps to show them that even if they don’t need a man, the children need a father figure.

Dadtors are encouraged to meet with the child at least one hour each week. This can be all at once or the time can be broken up to fit the needs. This one hour can make such a tremendous difference in the life of a child.

Every male figure that comes forward to serve as a father figure is background checked very thoroughly before Dadtor training begins!  If you are interested in becoming a Dadtor, a father figure to a child, contact Shamus. Training can be done in person or by ZOOM. You don’t have to be the ‘ideal person’ to be a Dadtor. One can teach a child “what not to be” Shamus says, ‘A wise man learns from his mistakes. A wiser man learns from the mistakes of others”. We have been created to be effective dads to Dad-UP!

Shamus can be reached at 561-229-2379 /

Stewart Feketa shared a testimony that is all too common. From the age of 12 until he was 34 his life of drugs and alcohol took him down into some pretty dark places. Stewart lost his first son, Cory to SIDS at 11 months old. From studying the cause of SIDS, he learned that children born to men addicted to cocaine were more likely to have children born with SIDS.

Stewart also noted that 94% of children that commit suicide come from families who don’t have fathers!

Stewart’s life took many twists and turns, taking him to ungodly, evil, dark places, and a life of degradation. Yet, because of his upbringing, his sense of responsibility to his children, and to pay his bills on time, kept him looking forward.

Later in his life, Stewart met a man named Al. Al changed his life. Al was bold enough to confront Stewart with TRUTH and love. Stewart didn’t want to hear what he had to say, but Al was insistent and persistent in his pursuit of Stewart.

Stewart works with Pastor Al Pigozzi, pastor of “Plant A Seed Ministries. You can join them each Sunday morning in person at 9:00 AM at Plant A Seed On The Water Church. Causeway Cove Marina, Fort Pierce. Can’t be there? Join them Live –

 Stewart’s testimony is worth listening to in its entirety, as well as Shamus Gordon’s interview

Please take the time to listen to this interview on WCNO.COM, click on WAYS TO LISTEN, click on ON DEMAND.  

Pastor Stewart Feketa, Plant A Seed Ministries


(Genesis 1:27-28a NLT) “So God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply….”

Today’s Wednesday Live was POWERFUL! Flipping the order of Guests as you heard them today, I will begin with Stephanie Jacobson.

Abortion is a hot topic on the news, but the Church is conflicted and is not as vocal as it should be. Many Christians are really, either uninformed, embarrassed because they have had abortions and won’t talk about it, some are Pro-Life yet with exceptions, while others are Pro-Life, period! Many Pastors won’t even approach the subject from the pulpit.

Stephanie Jacobson began to site the Preamble to the Constitution like this….We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. THEN she went on to say…WHAT’S MISSING!  LIFE IS MISSING. WITHOUT LIFE, THERE IS NO LIBERTY OR PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

Stephanie Jacobson began today by telling us that she has had 2 abortions, and she has first hand experience to tell us the truth. The TOPIC of today’s discussion is the upcoming Ballot Initiative to make ABORTION LEGAL UP TO BIRTH a Constitutional Law in the State of Florida. Stephanie explains to us how the language of this Amendment is so deceptive and vague, that even many Christians are being deceived. That is why Stephanie is urging us to talk to EVERYONE, not just our conservative friends.

Jonathan interjected that this is promoted by Pro-Abortionists! Life is precious, and we have to protect it.

The language in this Amendment is biased to the pro-abortion movement. For instance, any Health Care Provider can recommend a woman should have an abortion for her unborn baby. But just who is described as a health care provider? Anyone that puts their hands on the person.. this can be a Tattoo Artist, a Massage Therapist, etc. Anyone that is touching you! They are not just Pro-Abortion, they are Pro-Death, Jonathan said.

The Church needs to stand up! Planned Parenthood is “Counting on a Sleepy and Lethargic Church!”


Continuing her conversation, Stephanie proceeded to explain the dangers of the “Abortion Pill? (RU-486). This is a most dangerous and life-threatening way for women to abort their unborn children. And distribution is so easy – no doctor visits, can be purchased on telemedicine, online, on the black market, can be purchased by men, and given to minors! This Stephanie says opens up a whole new problem with trafficking!

Stephanie is aggressively pursuing this abortion issue because she is passionate to help women to make better choices. If you have had an abortion and need help, you can contact H3HELPLINE.ORG or call 866-721-7881 There are people available to provide a safe, confidential, 24/7 Helpline for those who have experienced abortion, by offering encouragement and resources to start their healing journey.

As if this isn’t enough, Michael Hennessey joined us to tell about his journey through Abandonment, Adoption, and Abuse and his journey to finding Jesus and healing from past trauma. You can hear his testimony on WCNO.COM / ONDEMAND!

Preceding and starting off our morning today was Michael Simos. He came with a testimony of how God used his weekly morning Prayer Group that meets at Higher Ground Corner Cafe to touch the hearts of other diners that day to “PAY IT FORWARD”. Higher Ground Corner Café is located at 2001 N US 1, Fort Pierce. Michael encourages you to stop by, enjoy a meal, and support a local Christian Business.

AGAIN, you can hear this program in its entirety by going to WCNO.COM and clicking on the WAYS TO LISTEN tab, ONDEMAND.


(Jude 1:3-4 NLT)   “Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people.  I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”

TPUSA FAITH, Founded by Charlie Kirk, is bringing to you “The Believers Summit”, July 26-28, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

From their website:

At this crucial time in America, the Believers Summit is not just an event; it’s a call for believers to rise in unity and biblical truth with an unshakeable faith. We are committed to empowering attendees with practical knowledge and strategies to live out their faith boldly and counteract the prevailing ‘woke’ narratives with grace, truth, and conviction, rooted in the Gospel.

 “Here I Am” is the central theme of the event, echoing a biblical principle of readiness and obedience. This theme encourages attendees to stand alongside biblical heroes of the Faith, embracing a willingness and readiness to serve. It calls on participants to cultivate a heart of service, mirroring the willingness to say “yes,” just as those who have walked before us.

With 40+ speakers, I would think this to be a most interesting Summit. You can see more details on their website:

Today’s only, but most important and regular guests in the studio were Ma & Pa! The conversation began with Pa telling Ma how several local businesses in Bickers Corner were going out of business due to the suppressed economy which began with Covid, and how so much of our purchasing in done online! Well, this put Ma in a tithy when she heard that her favorite store, “Martha’s Delicate Underthings’ was also one of those closing their doors!

So if you want a good laugh, and a spiritual lesson, please listen to Wednesday Live’s program:

Charlie Kirk and Speakers
wcno 89.9 fm app


(1 Corinthians 12- 12-13 NIV) “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.  For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

                   WCNO strives to brings the Body together through the various platforms that WCNO offers to the Body of Christ!

One way we serve you, and you can benefit the message of WCNO, is by using our website’s ONLINE BOOK STORE link. We have partnered with and in turn, monthly they remit a check reflecting a portion every purchase you make.  When you log into WCNO.COM and order your Bibles, books and other gifts through the online link, you are contributing to this radio station.                                                                      Hallelujah!!

Another way WCNO blesses the Body of Christ.. CHURCHES, MINISTRIES, if you have an event, program or gathering that you wish to share with others in our listening area, if it is free and open to the public, you can contact the station and put your information on “COMMUNITY CALENDAR”. Simply submit your information or flyer to at least 2 weeks prior to your event.

Do you have a Business you want to promote? Perhaps you would consider a PARTNERSHIP with WCNO. Your Business will be promoted on the Station to  all of our listeners (30% of Florida is within our broadcast area receive so many calls from our listeners asking for Christian business people. If you are interested to learn more, call WCNO at 772-221-1100, or Email Jonathan,

And now, our In-Studio Guest today.. Pastor Chacko Varghese. Born in India, Pastor Chacko was the child of Christian parents, brought up to love the Lord. He was a pharmacist for 40 years when the call to ministry came to him from God to minister to all people of all nations and tell them about Him! So on September 26, 1989 Chacko started his ministry, to speak to people, and to evangelize. He wrote Gospel Tracts, went to people’s homes, and praying. In 1998, living in Coconut Creek Florida, he looked at a telephone book and found an Assemblies of God Church which is what he and his parents attended in India. Chacko wanted to know how to reach out to the whole world, as the Lord instructed him. The Lord said to him, write a book! Since he never wrote a book before, he started to research.. Wanting to know what to write, he asked the Lord and the Lord said, Write about Me! So his first book is titled “When You Meet God” Pastor Chacko’s second book is “Does God Answer Your Prayers?”.  

His third and most current book is “Violence, Murder, and Massacre”. This one may be a little closer to home for him. His daughter, when in 11th grade was in Parkland School on Valentine’s Day 2018 when the shooting began. She and her 2 friends were running to get out of the school. Chacko’s daughter escaped the bullets. Her two friends did not, and they were shot down.

Chacko explains how violence started in Heaven when satan sinned. The first murder was Cain. The purpose of writing this book was to find the solution. He says, God is the SOLUTION – JESUS TRANSFORMS YOU. Chacko’s books can be found on and at Barns and Noble.

Chacko Varghese in Studio

You can listen to Pastor Chacko’s program, “WORD OF ETERNAL LIFE” every Monday morning at 5:30 AM.

If you wish to hear any of our local programs, you can log onto WWW.WCNO.COM/ONDEMAND.  

Simply select your date, time and program.

For other important and relevant information, log onto WWW.WCNO.COM.


“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.  And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”  (Philippians 1:3-6 NLT)

Kim Stryker and Marty Jean-Louis, today’s Guests on Wednesday Live are not strangers to you, our listeners and readers. Some of you even responded to the ICFF ticket give-away, and took advantage of attending the International Christian Film Festival from May 2-4. The ICFF is a yearly event that brings together Film Artists, Producers, Writers, Editors, Actors… every faction of the Christian Film (and now Music) venue. New Christian Films are showcased, awards given out for Best…, and many other factions of the Christian Film industry.

But the most important part that was emphasized by both Marty and Kim, is the Prayer Room, where Intercessors and participants, day and night come to the Prayer Room to pray. It is here that God moves in the Christian Film industry.

Kim stated that being a participant, or a spectator of the International Christian Film Festival is not just the Movies, but the People! God’s people all being there together.

Marty says, We want people’s lives to be changed. We want people to get closer to Christ.

Both Kim and Marty agree, Pastors need to become more involved in Christian Film, promoting wholesome film to their congregations. The unsaved will go to a movie with a friend, where perhaps they would not go to a church with them.

Kim invites Pastors to Pre-Screen Christian movies – 2 free tickets are yours for the asking, and encourages you to take advantage of these free showings. Bulletin Inserts are even for Pastors to help spread the word to their congregations.

Marty thanks WCNO for “supporting what we are doing”. He says, “Thank God for you and the entire WCNO family.

Kim says, “The Prayer Room!” This is the place to meet. Kim would love to see the next generation of young film makers and actors meet the people who can help them meet their dream.

Next year’s International Christian Film Festival will be April 30-May 3. Perhaps you will make your plans early to attend!

If you missed any portion of this broadcast, you can hear it in its entirety by logging on to our website On Demand page at or Click the WCNO Link Below


“Will you be angry with us always? Will you prolong your wrath to all generations? Won’t you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you? Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.” (Psalm 85:5-7 NLT)

There is REVIVAL about to burst forth on the Treasure Coast of Florida. The signs are evident.

Joining us today on Wednesday Live, Chris Fogal, Executive Director of Treasure Coast Christian Alliance spoke of the importance of the Body of Christ coming together for Prayer and to Worship together. Last Thursday, May 2nd,Treasure Coast Christian Alliance, sponsored a gathering for our 7 Annual NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. Nearly 1,000 people showed up to Praise and Pray over our nation and our local area. Worship and Praise was led by Luke and the Highpoint Worship Team. Immediately following, Prayers were led by local leaders. Pastors, Business Leaders, and Government Leaders proclaimed and declared God’s will over us here and throughout America. It was absolutely powerful! And if this wasn’t enough, our Guest Speaker, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn followed up with a prophetic message of our current state of affairs and of HOPE! The evening was filled with the presence of God. Jonathan Cahn’s sharing was the fuse that was lit for revival.

Treasure Coast Christian Alliance Board of Directors is 8 Pastors from Martin & St Lucie Counties. Their main purpose is to bring Pastors together with Business & Civic Leaders to promote unity among the Body of Christ.

All events sponsored by Treasure Coast Christian Alliance are held in public venues. This is important as to not give favor to any one church or individual.

Note the next 2 upcoming events! *Thursday evening, September 26 we will bring you the 4th Annual Treasure Coast Day of Prayer at the Havert L Fenn Center in Fort Pierce. This gathering is “I WILL STAND WITH ISRAEL”. Our Guest for this event is Paul Wilbur. Tickets will be available soon. *-Sunday, December 1 is the 8th Annual Christmas Proclamation Supper. Our guest speaker is Kelvin Cochran, appointed by President Obama as Deputy Fire Chief of the United States of America. Later, the mayor of Atlanta fired him because of his Christian faith and his stand on LGBTQ. This will be a powerful evening.

Treasure Coast Christian Alliance is Breaking New Ground. The church is not a building. It is the Ecclesia. And together we have the unity of Christ.

If you missed being part of the National Day of Prayer with us last week, the video will be on our Website: You will also be able to see Upcoming Events. Please feel free to use our Contact Page if you want more information, or call 772-324-9313

Also joining us today, John Nelson, founder of Families Recover. John started out as an advocate for Drunk Driving. Then, drug overdoses became a big issue – so Families Recover was born. John stated that doctors use drugs to get you off drugs. But in reality, you are just substituting one drug for another. He also stated that Christian recovery programs have about the same success rate as the secular programs.

What the devil says is, come in, I will give you comfort. John says, the only way to recovery is Jesus. But there is some work involved on your part. Be responsible, seek God.

If you or a family member need help, contact John at or call him at 772-285-5828

If you missed any portion of this Wednesday Live program, you can go to, and click on the ON DEMAND link (under Programs).. On Demand – WCNO 89.9 FM

WCNO is pleased to announce, the NEW WEBSITE is now active! We pray that you will find this new website easier to use and more appealing to your eye. In addition, ON DEMAND is also being updated. Soon you will be able to find all of the LOCAL programs in our Archives.


Each day we will be posting pictures, events and fundraising totals for you.

LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK in the Connect Tab.. Comments/Prayer Requests/Praise Reports link.