Hebrews 10:23-25 “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”
Today’s guests on WCNO 89.9 FM Wednesday Live program came to us with dialogue and music to fill the entire hour imparting great joy, laughter and the Word of the Lord!
Starting off the hour, Dr. Gerard Khouri of Christ Family Church announced that beginning Sunday, March 16 at 8:00 AM, Services will resume at the Tradition Town Hall – 10799 SW Civic Lane, Port St Lucie. Pastor Gerry says he is excited to be back in the neighborhood. He says, we were doing great when covid came. It is time to resume. Services will be from 8:00 to 9:00 AM. Looking forward to seeing you there!
The campus on Oleander Ave is doing great. Services will continue at this location at 10:00 AM as usual. The White City Church is located at 5200 Oleander Ave, Fort Pierce. For more information, check out the website: https://www.christfamilychurch.net/ or contact the church: traditionchurch@gmail.com | Phone: 772-801-5522
Our next guests tag-teamed. Kim Wojcieszak and Pastor Willie Davenport. You may remember Kim from a few weeks ago. He is the author of the book (available on Amazon) Hunting Aliens and part of the founding family of Krauss and Crane Air Conditioning (a proud sponsor of WCNO since 1990). Today, Kim’s son is 3rd Generation owner of this incredible family business that has been around since the mid 1950’s.
Kim told how his wife’s dad started the business, and early on, when WCNO first began broadcasting, WCNO’s then General Manager, Tom Craton walked into their office, and spoke to Kim’s Mother in Law, telling her he needed support for WCNO. When questioned ‘who would even listen to WCNO’ she said she didn’t care if anyone listened. Krauss and Crane have been faithful sponsors of WCNO since that time.
Pastor Willie Davenport shared a bit of his testimony, His father was a Missionary pastor, and how at the young age of 7, while listening to Brother Jim Harris, he knew the Lord was working in him. He shared a bit of his life. He is married and has 4 children, 2 in Seminary and one getting married in a couple of weeks!
Pastor Willie had a CD with him, and Jonathan played the song “Crossing Over Jordan”. This song came about because Pastor Willie had gone through a house fire, and was in a temporary home. He needed victory, so he started reading about Joshua. Pastor Willie says, Israel didn’t become a Nation until Israel set foot in the dry Jordan. This is how the song came about. Pastor Willie’s music is available anywhere you find music – iTunes, Spotify, etc.
First Baptist Church is located at 4397 SE Dixie Hwy, Port Salerno. Sunday services are at 10:45. There is Children’s Church up to 5th grade, and also several faithful teens to take care of the babies! Wednesday Night Bible Study and Prayer begin at 6:30 PM, and Sunday afternoons at 4:30 in the Sanctuary is “Deeper” – a time when Pastor Willie delves deep into the morning message.
As of now, you can engage with First Baptist Church Port Salerno on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchOfPortSalerno/ Their website is currently under construction
(Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, this Wednesday Live program is not available on On Demand. We apologize for this inconvenience.)