WEDNESDAY LIVE – JANUARY 22, 2025 First Guests – Roger Couture & Larry Murphy – Prayer Station Ministry

Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT) “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”


Since January 2023 the Prayer Station has been set up in downtown Fort Pierce at the Farmers Market from 8 am to 1 pm where Prayer Intercessors gather and pray for the people that come by! These intercessors are from numerous churches in this area, and have participated in supporting the Prayer Station. People come from many areas of the world to visit Fort Pierce and visit the Prayer Station while here. We hand out the Gospel of John plus other approved Christian booklets and materials. We also have Hats and Shirts available imprinted with “Prayer Station” and “Prayer Changes Things”.PRAYER STATION w. Names. Roger Couture & Larry Murphy

Since its beginning 2 years ago, more than 1000 people have been prayed for at the Prayer Station. These prayer requests are varied, and a number of these people have made the decision to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord!

Currently there are 3 Prayer Stations in St Lucie County. One of them is located where folks needing food go to pick up the food and there they receive prayer as well, feeding not only the body but the spirit.

There have been many testimonies of prayers being answered in various ways, even of healing miracles. Everyone is invited to come by for prayer.

If you are interested in becoming a Prayer Intercessor, Ministry Application Forms are available by calling Roger at: 802-338-6552 or email to  All volunteers must have their pastor’s approval for Prayer Station work.

Roger is pleased to announce that they will be having a 2nd Anniversary Celebration to be held at:

Fort Pierce Alliance Church – 2909 S 19th St. Fort Pierce, FL

Saturday January 25 from 2-4 PM


There will be Praise & Worship, Testimony time, pray er for personal & ministry needs and a time of fello0wship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall behind the church.


Again, Roger’s contact information: 802-338-6552 /


As always, you can here this Interview by going to